Here are some pictures from pony palooza!!!! Every year the Delaney's graciously invite pony collectors from all over to gather together to meet one another, buy, sell and trade.  I had a fantastic time.  We played games and enjoyed a day chatting away in person.  Needless to say my mom took all the pictures.  I did not have time I was much to busy with other things.   I did not get everyone's name so I apologize to those that I do not mention if you would like to tell me you are in a pic and not mentioned I would gladly add it .  Thanks Enjoy!!!!!!

Here is steamer *poseing* and pinwheel *shorts* and sugarberry.  Looks
like we have some possible trading going on here :)

Here is a group pic from t he living room area. I am in the back with
glasses and bangs.  In front of me with glasses is baby seashell and in
the front crouched down is stockings.

Here we have baby abacus *sitting in the middle of the ponies.  She
had lots of stuff and many rare and htf items.  I spent most if not all
of my money here.  I went home with some wonderful treasures

* Here is Icefeather *front* giving sugarberry cool breeze
She gave it to her as a gift just because Sugarberry had been
looking for one.  My mom really wanted this pic so they had
to stand there a while it was quite funny:):) Thanks ladies;)

Here is the computer room.  In the back corner is steamers collection
He brought it along to share with all of us.  The only person I know is
patchwork in this pic and she is the second one from the left *you can
only see her face :):)

Here is a pic of me with my trade ponies.  I did
not want to put this one but I did want to show I
was there LOL.

1. Lauren Delaney
2. Pinwheel
3. Sugarberry
5. ME!!! *baby sparkles*
6. Patchwork
7. Spooky Jenny *thats how she introduced here self :):)*
9. Stockings
A. Unicorn 72
C. Icefeather

Here is Mr. Delaney performing the perfect fakie death!!! LOL This was fakie
golf.  He sure could hit them far!!!!!!